莱文, Larry

Larry 莱文

Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Professor of 法律
Email Address

 "It is an exhilarating honor to get to introduce new law students to the delights that come 从 developing the skills to ‘think like a lawyer,’ especially in the context of the ever-fascinating context of tort law." 

After graduating 从 University of California, Hastings College of the 法律 with honors, Professor 莱文 clerked for Judge Eugene F. 林奇(U.S. District Court, Northern District of California). He then was an associate with Morrison & Foerster in San Francisco for two years. Professor 莱文 was also an adjunct faculty member of UC Hastings College of 法律 before coming to McGeorge in 1985.  He served as the Gordon D. Schaber Chair in Health 法律 and Policy 从 2022-2023. Professor 莱文 has authored several books and articles on the subject of torts. He is the co-author of A Torts Anthology and is a co-author of the torts treatise, Understanding Torts, and a torts casebook, Tort 法律 and Practice.

Professor 莱文 has been a frequent panelist, 讲师, and speaker on legal issues involving torts and sexual orientation. He has served on the State Bar Committee on Sexual Orientation Discrimination as well as the board of directors of the AIDS Legal Referral Panel of Northern California and 萨克拉门托 法律yers for the Equality of Gays and 女同性恋s. He was the chairperson of the 法律 School 入学 Council’s (LSAC) Gay, 女同性恋, Bisexual and Transgender Issues Subcommittee and a member of LSAC’s Services and 项目 committee. Professor 莱文 served on the Board of Directors of the National 女同性恋 and Gay 法律yers Association and is a member of the American 法律 Institute. Professor 莱文 is a member of the American 法律 Institute. He has been a visiting professor of law at UC Hastings College of the 法律, UC Davis and at New York 法律 School.

Larry 莱文Legends of Courage on Vimeo.


BA, Allegheny College
JD, University of California, Hastings

Curriculum Vitae
larry莱文CV.pdf (61.12 KB)
研究 Focus

Representative 奖学金 and 活动


LGBTQ+ Legal rights in the post Kennedy Era with Larry 莱文 (YouTube)


"Advocating for LGBTQ+ Issues in 法律 School," Lavender 法律, August 2019

"Reconocimiento del matrimonio igaultario en el derecho comparado," December 2016 (guest of the Chilean government)

"Aspirational Standards in the 法律 of Torts," U. of Oregon, April 2015


劳伦斯C. 莱文, "A different Scalia legacy: The gift of same-sex marriage," The 萨克拉门托 Bee, Sunday March 20, 2016.

劳伦斯C. 莱文 discussed the US Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage on Insight with Beth Ruyak on Capitol Public Radio on June 29, 2016.

劳伦斯C. 莱文, "Once unimaginable, marriage equality is now established law," The 萨克拉门托 Bee, 2015年7月4日.

劳伦斯C. 莱文, "Progress toward gay rights sometimes subtle but monumental," The 萨克拉门托 Bee, April 18, 2015.


Tort 法律 and Practice (6th ed. 2020) (with D. Vetri J. 沃格尔,我. Gassama, and C. 铃木).

The Restatement of Gay (?), 79 Brooklyn L. 牧师. 621 (2014) (with Prof. C. 斯林)

Understanding Torts (6d ed. LexisNexis 2018) (with J. Diamond and A. Bernstein).

"Justice Kennedy's "Gay Agenda": Romer, 法律rence, and the Struggle for Marriage Equality," 44 McGeorge L. 牧师. 1-30 (2013).

An Assessment of the 法律 School Climate for GLBT Students, 58 J. 合法建造. 214 (2008) (with Kelly Strader et al.).